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What is ISO-45001 ?

ISO 45001 serves to ensure a minimum standard of occupational health and safety measures for employees at the workplace in companies. The application and qualification of the standard is independent of the size or type of company, it can be applied comprehensively, and can be easily integrated into an organization's existing processes. In the context of Supply Chain Risk Management in companies, ISO 45001 is relevant because threats to employee safety can equally be a threat to the function and smooth running of a supply chain. Benefits of a good implementation of ISO 45001 include a reduction in employee absenteeism and resulting productivity, lower insurance costs, and a better reputation with project- or supply chain partners. 31; 32

ISO-45001 Process

The process described in ISO 45001 is based on a PDCA cycle. The Plan and Do phases are largely influenced by the needs of employees and other stakeholders, and the Check phase by the intended or required results. In addition, it should be noted that the entire cycle is influenced by external and internal factors that may originate from the organization itself or from its context. ISO 45001 describes different methods and sub-steps of the respective phases for the exact implementation. 31; 32