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# Risk Consequences Measures
1 Forecasting

Mismatch between a companies forecasted demand and actual demand. Reasons can be long lead times for production, seasonality of demand, high product variety, short product life cycles

  • Design a more flexible Supply Chain
  • Examining previous demand patterns and maintaining awareness for future economic developments that may have an influence on demand.
2 Fluctual Demand

demand risks are mostly related to the customer, and exhibited in fashionable or seasonal demand fluctuation

Examining previous demand patterns and maintaining awareness for future economic developments that may have an influence on demand.

3 Change in Employment

Economic changes can trigger changes in employment in an economy and therefore change the demand for products and services.

Examining previous demand patterns and maintaining awareness for future economic developments that may have an influence on demand.

4 Wrong demand estimate

unpredictable or misunderstood customer or end-customer demand

Design a more flexible Supply Chain

5 Change in technology or in consumer preference

Changes in technology or in consumer preference significantly undermine a companies demand and accurate estimation of investment.

Collaboration with competitors when making large investments into new technology.

Sources:  4, p. 27; 25, p. 841; 26; 27; 41