Titel | Beschreibung | Quelle | Veröffentlicht |
EU banks decry threat of capital hit to UK CCP exposures | EBA says supervisors could apply charges to “excessive exposures” of euro derivatives at all non-EU clearing houses |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7946126/eu-banks-decry-threat-of-capital-h… | |
In roiling markets, fraud rises. Banks want to understand why | Disruption from Ukraine and Covid puts managers on alert for misconduct, as risk controls are stretched to the max |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7945221/in-roiling-markets-fraud-rises-ban… | |
Behnam urges wider CCP access to Fed deposit accounts | CFTC chair says recent market shocks highlight value of Fed accounts; Congressman agrees |
https://www.risk.net/regulation/7945026/behnam-urges-wider-ccp-access-to-fed-de… | |
Show them the money: why the Fed should adopt CLFs | The BPI's Bill Nelson explains how the facilities would benefit Wall Street and Main Street |
https://www.risk.net/comment/7944216/show-them-the-money-why-the-fed-should-ado… | |
The top 10 op risks, reloaded | Survey to be expanded as part of benchmarking exercise |
https://www.risk.net/our-take/7938366/the-top-10-op-risks-reloaded | |
Capitalab co-founder quits firm | David Bachelier leaves BGC-owned compression venture after seven years |
https://www.risk.net/people/7943776/capitalab-co-founder-quits-firm | |
Wrong-way add-on helped LCH mop up VTB default | Margin supplement bought precious time to formulate wind-down strategy |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7940451/wrong-way-add-on-helped-lch-mop-up… | |
Aon chief executive Greg Case: resilience protects, but it also promotes growth | As chief executive of a company whose raison d’être is helping firms make better decisions, Greg Case has wide-ranging knowledge and a nuanced perspective to share on resilience and its importance in volatile times |
https://www.risk.net/market-access/risk-management/7938256/aon-chief-executive-… | |
Banks tout CCAR-style stress tests for emergent risks | Extreme-but-plausible scenario planning is being applied to geopolitical events such as Ukraine conflict |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7941211/banks-tout-ccar-style-stress-tests… | |
Taking advantage of relative value credit opportunities with advanced bond analytics | Dmitry Pugachevsky, director of research at Quantifi, a provider of risk, analytics and trading solutions, explores the challenges of bond analytics and how access to the right analytics can provide opportunities for more comprehensive trading strategies |
https://www.risk.net/market-access/risk-management/7941901/taking-advantage-of-… |