Titel | Beschreibung | Quelle | Veröffentlicht |
Banks face capital hit on broader energy market collateral | Non-standard clearing house margin for energy trades would increase RWAs unless relief granted |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7954455/banks-face-capital-hit-on-broader-… | |
Bypassing consent may aid CCP porting – report | CPMI-Iosco report says clearing houses cannot reasonably accommodate client preference; brokers favour rule book harmony |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7954441/bypassing-consent-may-aid-ccp-port… | |
The post-trade patch‑up: revamping processes in volatile times | A Risk.net Rapid Read survey report: how efficiency in post-trade services at financial firms influences risk management, and how it is expected to evolve |
https://www.risk.net/market-access/risk-management/7954417/the-post-trade-patch… | |
Esma to meet with clearing industry over EU energy crisis | Widening eligible collateral on table; ECB intervention would need government indemnities |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7954420/esma-to-meet-with-clearing-industr… | |
Margin costs leap on Simm rejig and rates hikes | Acadia finds roughly one-third jump in exposure following Simm recalibration, with higher funding costs adding to burden |
https://www.risk.net/derivatives/7954251/margin-costs-leap-on-simm-rejig-and-ra… | |
Credit checks, what credit checks? How crypto lending ate itself | Collapse of hedge fund Three Arrows Capital exposes “sloppy and irresponsible” credit standards among crypto lenders |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7952306/credit-checks-what-credit-checks-h… | |
Banks shock commodities models by 1,000% in stress-test rethink | Energy price spikes force clearing firms to consider extreme or even ‘implausible’ scenarios |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7953816/banks-shock-commodities-models-by-… | |
Bingeing on block sets: DLT could give FX its ‘Netflix moment’ | Blockchain’s proponents say faster settlement times make technology akin to TV’s streaming revolution |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7953756/bingeing-on-block-sets-dlt-could-g… | |
Banks relieved as EBA punts on dual-track stress tests | Hybrid approach for 2023 will see top-down models used to project net fee and commission income only |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7953351/banks-relieved-as-eba-punts-on-dua… | |
Uncertainty over ECB’s TPI muddies monetary and fiscal impact | Analysts say anti-fragmentation tool exposes long-standing flaws in EU fiscal framework |
https://www.risk.net/risk-management/7953401/uncertainty-over-ecbs-tpi-muddies-… |